and five fellow women veterans, who are also published authors, professional speakers, and academically qualified writing instructors, will lead a how-to seminar about owning, writing, and sharing one’s military stories during a daylong event, “On Point: Women Warriors Writing Workshop/Tampa Bay,” to be held April 1 at the University of Tampa.
On Point: Women Warriors Writing Workshops are developed as women-exclusive events, providing attendees with a safe zone for discussions related to gender-specific topics. All women servicemembers, veterans, and family members are welcome.
Registration is open, and seating is limited. A
$15 ticket covers morning and afternoon sessions, as well as lunch. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m., April 1. Parking at the University of Tampa is free. (Event will be held in the Vaughn Center’s 9th Floor ballroom.)
Featured presenters include:
Kayla Williams, director of the VA’s Center for Women and author of two memoirs, Love My Rifle More Than You and Plenty of Time When I Get Home.
Carol Barkalow, West Point graduate and author of the memoir, In the Men’s House.
Jerri Bell, co-author of the forthcoming history/anthology, It’s My Country Too: Women’s Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan; managing editor of O-Dark-Thirty; and writing instructor for the Veterans Writing Project.
Paula Broadwell, West Point graduate; best-selling author of the General Petraeus biography All In; and founder of the nonprofit, Think Broader.
Tracy Crow, former assistant professor of journalism and creative writing and author of the award-winning memoir, Eyes Right: Confessions From a Woman Marine; On Point: A Guide to Writing the Military Story; Red, White, & True: Stories from Veterans and Families, WWII to Present; co-author of the forthcoming It’s My Country Too: Women’s Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan; and An Unlawful Order, under her pen name Carver Greene.
Laura Westley, West Point graduate and author of War Virgin.
ON POINT Women Warriors Writing Workshop/Tampa Bay is sponsored by: