Tracy, after her public reading July 20 at Saint Leo University in Dade City, Florida, with Brooke King, an instructor in the university’s new low-residency master’s in creative writing program.
Saint Leo University in Dade City, Florida, invites Tracy as a guest instructor July 20 during the first residency of its new low-residency Master’s in creative writing program.
VETRACON2016, a free two-day event for active duty soldiers, veterans, families, and retirees, will be held April 15-16 at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Noted speakers from various fields of expertise will share their insights about how to make an easier transition from military experience to civilian employment.
Tracy will speak April 15.
More than thirty women veterans and military family members gathered for Tracy’s one-day exploratory workshop, “Owning and Writing the Story of Your Military Life,” March 5 in Raleigh. Dress for Success Triangle and the Semper Fi Chapter of the Women Marines Association co-sponsored the event.
Dress for Success Triangle and the North Carolina-3 “Semper Fi” Chapter of the Women Marines Association invite all women active duty and veterans, as well as all women military family members, to a free writing workshop and seminar, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, March 5 in Raleigh with award-winning military author and former writing professor Tracy Crow.
Space is limited. Please register no later than March 2 by calling Dress for Success Triangle at (919) 286-2128.
Check-in will begin at 9 a.m., and includes a doughnut-coffee social. Tracy’s seminar starts at 10. Lunch and a signed copy of Tracy’s new breakthrough text, On Point: A Guide to Writing the Military Story will also be provided, courtesy of Dress for Success Triangle.
Women Vets Speak, a speakers’ bureau representing veterans who are recognized for their inspiring military backgrounds and engaging speaking abilities, has invited Tracy to join its ranks.
You can find Tracy’s Women Vets Speak profile here.
“The guide is primarily for beginners and includes creative exercises that show how the pain of editing is just weakness leaving your body of literary work.”
Yes! We couldn’t agree more!
Nothing like a positive review from Military Times to end this week on an even more positive note! To read the full Military Times review of On Point, and of many other newly released military titles, follow this link.
Tracy will join other featured authors March 16-20 at the 2016 Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville to discuss the messages within her newly released writing text, On Point: A Guide to Writing the Military Story, and to participate on a panel about publishing.
For updates regarding the festival, follow #VABook2016.
Tracy (third from left) and Marines of the NC-3 “Semper Fi” chapter of the Women Marines Association, celebrate the 240th birthday of the Marine Corps Nov. 14 in Greensboro, N.C. The chapter, of which Tracy is president, donated toys for disabled children of Marines.
Right: Tracy and husband Mark Weidemaier attend the Marine Corps birthday ball Nov. 14 in Greensboro, N.C.